wow... i didn't expect such a high score, having a #1 of the day trophy, and especialy a frontpage
But I'm so happy, that I can't even say all I think in russian, what's to say about english...
anywayz THX to all, who liked it.
I don't know, when'l be the next episode... but probably not soon, cuz after making this flash one man asked me to do a toon for him, and he pays chas, and I agreed, but things can change... we'll see
Also I wanted to work on another project, which is an anime, but I thought, that it would take to long, so I made I.A.C.W. so there woudn't be a big gap beetwen what I do...
i wanted to continue saying, but i forgotm what I was thinking about... oh well
seeya, and thanx again :)P
lol! that was good keep it up,
Nightwayfarer (Updated )
thanks, il try