it's me
Joined on 12/13/07
Posted by Nightwayfarer - December 27th, 2008
Hey guyz, if you are reading this than I guess you are wondering "whaa? christmas special?"
Yes, I decided to make a special for ya! I worked hard on it for a past 1.5 week. And here it is - "I Hate Christmas"
I hope you're still in a christmas mood)
Well.. that's actualy it. I wish you a good view, a Happy New Year and lots of good things :B
Posted by Nightwayfarer - December 14th, 2008
I was a fan of Prince of Persia games since Warrior Within, and I got to say that the new one wasn't a dissapointment. It was a very nice thing to play for two days) I can't say thought which are better: the first trilogy with the sands of time or this new one, which will probably be continued. Here I liked the Prince more, his personality, look, and maybe something else. Travelling along with Elika also was awesome, she realy helped not to die xD. Also the acrobatics were fantastic, though unrealistic. I liked that.
Too bad there wasn't a speed kill system. I realy enjoyed doing those in T2T. In this one that would be absolutely unneeded. The combat system was nice, though you are not able to fight several enemies. You just stand against one.
I guess it has its pluses and minuses, but still it deserves to be a MUSTPLAY game.
As a fan I decided to draw a little fanart. Full version here
Posted by Nightwayfarer - December 13th, 2008
Hello everyone.
I decided to upload a flash which I made a year ago. It originaly was my entry for one festival, and it had a competiton for the best trailer for it. Unfortunately that festival was canceled, and well, i was pissed off))
Anywayz this flash is called "a winter tale", and you can watch it by clicking on that text.
I hope you'll like it. As i remember I spent 2 weeks on it, in case you are wondering :P
Merry christmas to all of you mates! And thanks for all that love, which you showed to the School 13 episodes) I'm already working on a new one, and hell it's going to be a lot better drawn than the last one)
Posted by Nightwayfarer - November 13th, 2008
Today is a special day
Firstly I got a hair cut.
And the second, maybe not as important as the first, thing - School 13 - Street Magic is now on Newgrounds.
I hope you'l like it, so if you still didn't see it do it fast :)
Oh and I desided to use just subs) Using AS is to hard to make both subs and dubs...
And why I didn't use dubs? Because 90% of people insisted that they would like to see it in russian with subs :P AWSM
I wont say more, so that you'l go and look at it faster ;P
Posted by Nightwayfarer - October 31st, 2008
Yay, the day has finaly come. I've been waiting for it almost a year.
One year ago I had made a flash for the Halloween flash-off, but I didn't make it on time. So I had to wait a year)
And here it is. It's in russian, but with english subs, like It All Can Wait
Also stay tuned for another new episode, because it is already DONE. But it needs to be translated, and i don't know what is better: dub or subs, any thoughts?
Oh well.. anywayz plz checkout the Halloween Special episode, rate it and.... smtn like that)
Posted by Nightwayfarer - June 28th, 2008
Well, I dodn't know i'f someone is reading this, but still i have a few things to say.
First - IACW won a few more awards on other festivals in Russia and Estonia. The best thing that i got was a teddy Cat :3.... there also were a few diplomas, but they are not as nearly cool as that toy cat^^
The second big thing is - I'm makin' a new episode of School 13 :D
I already desided, what plot I'm going to use and right now I'm working on the storyboard. I'm planning to work on it through all summer and polish it till it shines, and the animation will begin in september. I hope I'l make it this year. This time I couldn't think of a plot about life, addictions and etc. This one is going to be more of a fantasy, sci-fi and stuff like that... in other words I't will have things that would be impossible in real life... :)
I already can feel, that it will probably be 7-10 mins long, because there are so many things in it. I hope to make it this year. because there is going to be a lot of frame by frame work.
But I think I'l make it in time. The working title for it is "Oldschool", but I think I'l change it, when the storyboard will be done.
And the third news... I've been thinking, that 1 character is not enough for a series, so I'm planning to add 3 main characters more. That's all that you should know. Tthe characters will be added only in the episode after "Oldscool" is made, and that is something I still have to do...
Wish me luck!!)
oh, and here's a pic of my teddy cat =3..... and also some lame diplomas :D
Posted by Nightwayfarer - April 7th, 2008
Well... I kinda didn't expect that, but what happened - happened...
I won a diploma, on which is said "Best animation - 1-st place", even though there were others that had a better quality. I guess the plot helped me. And I also won a "tiny trophy" :D and was the last one who was announced
I realy didn't expect all of this, and so now I'm working on a new one... right now I'm thinking of other good ideas about school problems and stuff... kinda hard, but I think I'l be able to do that...
THX to all, couldn't have done it without you,... and ofcourse without Flash and Intuos3 A4
Posted by Nightwayfarer - March 23rd, 2008
wow... i didn't expect such a high score, having a #1 of the day trophy, and especialy a frontpage
But I'm so happy, that I can't even say all I think in russian, what's to say about english...
anywayz THX to all, who liked it.
I don't know, when'l be the next episode... but probably not soon, cuz after making this flash one man asked me to do a toon for him, and he pays chas, and I agreed, but things can change... we'll see
Also I wanted to work on another project, which is an anime, but I thought, that it would take to long, so I made I.A.C.W. so there woudn't be a big gap beetwen what I do...
i wanted to continue saying, but i forgotm what I was thinking about... oh well
seeya, and thanx again :)P